How to draw the golf ball or how to hit a draw in golf? I bet that many golfers will ask like this when they see the professionals play in the tournaments. Hitting a draw or fade is the way we do to control the ball movements better.
Some players can draw when playing golf naturally or accidentally, and they can do it again once or twice when they want. All the professionals hit a draw intentionally. And other players like us must learn and practice more to do it often.
If you need to improve your games and want to know how to draw the golf ball, you are in the right place. I will provide you with all the information you know, from the definition to every step on the golf course. Let’s explore below.
Table of Contents
What Is a Draw in Golf?
Some players may mistake a draw and a hook; some will think drawing in golf is slicing. However, drawing is the intentional movement that golfers create to control a ball and make it land where they want. It is different from other wayward shots.

Drawing is like hitting a ball in “banana shape”. A right-handed player makes his ball slightly curve from right to left, and things are opposite from left-to-right with a left-handed player.
Hooking can make your ball curve either, but it is unpredictable and uncontrollable. It is a hook shot if your ball takes too long to turn left, or it turns quickly after flying off the tee. And when you slice, your ball can not go back and straight to the target like drawing.
Why and When You Should Hit a Draw?
If you play golf for long enough or watch the professionals usually on TV, you may wonder why they hit a draw instead of hitting straight. Even when you don’t know the reasons, you can guess that drawing can bring benefits in golf, and the pros don’t do it for fun.
Then you may need to know when you should draw in golf. I will answer all your questions below with my experiences and knowledge below.
1. Benefits of Drawing in Golf
As I said above, the professionals usually draw when playing, and they do it on purpose. Tournaments are not a place for fun, and players need to calculate thoroughly before doing anything. Drawing the golf ball can be seen as an easy way to control it as you want.
You may need to notice that hitting straight is harder in reality, especially when playing approach shots. When flying, a golf ball always carries sidespin on it, so it is harder for you to hit straight in every shot.
Looking for the best golf balls for straight shots? Read on here!
Drawing is how you use the sidespin of a golf ball to turn disadvantages into benefits in ball flight. When you hit a draw, your ball gets more spin rate, and it can even fly further than regular shots.
Check out this article for the top 12 best distance golf balls!
The second advantage that drawing can bring is based on the course terrain. Your target is not always directly in front of you.
The hole you try to get a golf ball in may lie on the left, and drawing seems to be the most optimal choice. It can help you get as close to the target as you want.
Besides, hitting a draw in golf is useful when you try to avoid hazards like ponds or sand traps. A slightly curved ball flight is safe and more accessible to make than a straight one. It can keep your ball stay in the fairway and even increase stopping power when it lands.
Generally, drawing in golf enables you to control your ball better. You can get a good ball flight and know more chances where the impact will be. Your skills can be more improved if you combine this skill with others, like knowing how to put backspin on a golf ball.
2. Time to Hit a Draw in Golf
After understanding the benefits of a draw in golf, you may realize which circumstances you need to do this kind of shot. Let me summarize the possibilities for you.
- When the wind goes from left to right: Before deciding what kind of shot to hit, you need to notice the wind direction. If it goes from the left to the right, a draw is a good choice to play, and you can get an advantage from this direction of the wind.
- When avoiding the obstacles: A good golf ball usually has a high or medium price. Average players want to limit the ball loss, so we try to find a way to get through hazards like sand or ponds. A curved ball flight is helpful in this case.
Also, check out the top 12 Best Golf Balls Retrievers in 2023 here! - When the targeted pin is on the left side: Players always need to calculate how to reach as close as possible to the pin. If your target lies on the left corner, it is the right time for you to draw the golf ball.
How to Draw the Golf Ball – A Step by Step Guide
Some players draw the golf ball naturally, and they really don’t know the process and can not do it again on purpose. On the other hand, the professionals can draw or fade on demand.
And if you want to improve your games and do controllable things like the pros. Let’s learn to draw a ball step by step, following my instructions below.
1. Drawing With Drivers
Many experienced players advise that you should start with the driver if you need to practice a draw. If you master a draw with a long club like a driver, you can have more confidence with irons later.
Step 1: Tee Up Higher
The first thing you have to notice is the tee. It may seem irrelevant, but your shot can be different if you slightly change the tee height. Unlike fade shots, you should tee the ball higher to ensure you visualize your swing path and target line easier.
Step 2: Swing From Inside to Outside
The second thing you need to prepare for right-handed players is your swing direction. You can use color sticks to mark the target line straight and the swing path line slightly towards your right-hand side.
The right swing direction has to be going from the inside line to the outside one, or in other words, it must be from “in” to “out”. If you are a left-handed player, you just need to set your swing direction towards your left-hand side.
It is the right preset way of your clubface in golf drawing
Step 3: Focus on Body Alignment
After that, you have to move your feet, hips, and shoulder alignment right of the target line. According to coach Sean Foley on, your hips need to shift towards the target on your downswing.
your hips need to shift towards the target on your downswing
Step 4: Preset Clubface
Last but not least is your preset clubface. Your driver’s toe needs to be right toward the target, open to it but not too flat. And it must be on the left of your body alignment.
You don’t have to change your swing to hit draws or fades
In this video, Rick Shiels will show you more about creating a draw with a driver:
2. Drawing With Irons
Irons are shorter and more accessible to control than drivers. However, if you hit the ball carelessly, you can get a slice instead of a perfect draw.
In general, all the swing direction, body alignment, and clubface preset in drawing with irons are similar to those with drivers. However, there are still a few things that you need to remember when creating a draw with all clubs.
- Do not use your hands or wrists to move your clubface. Use your crossing forearms instead.
- Hit the inside of the ball first to create an “inside-to-out” swing direction.
- Using a neutral grip, not too strong or too weak.
- Do not flip your hands because it is a hook shot, not a draw if you do that.
You can see the video below to know further information and performance in the reality of a draw shot:
After reading all the information above, I think you still have many things that need to be explained. Therefore, I chose the most frequently asked questions about how to draw the golf ball and answered them below.
What Makes a Golf Ball Draw?
A negative sidespin axis moves from the right to the left (with right-handed players), causing a golf ball draw. This spin rate is created when a golfer hits the ball inside out, towards the right-hand side with an open clubface.
What Is the Best Grip to Hit a Draw?
A neutral grip is the best one players need to hit a draw in golf. You need to set the grip in your finger’s base and practice hitting. If it is too weak, you can twist your hand and try again.
Is It Easier to Hit a Fade or Draw?
Yes, it is. Even the professionals feel that a fade is more accessible to hit than a draw. Because when drawing, many players, especially the beginners, tend to twist their hands instead of rotating their forearms, so their shots become hooks instead of draws.
If you are finding the way to master the most controllable shots in your games, you may not want to miss my article about how to draw the golf ball. I provided you with the easiest step-by-step instructions and tips based on my knowledge and experiences above.
Have you ever made a draw in golf? Do you agree or disagree with me? Please let me know your thoughts by commenting below. And if you like my article, don’t forget to share it with your buddies. Thanks for reading.